1. Vega Shah
  2. http://www.igert.org/profiles/4784
  3. Graduate Student
  4. Presenter’s IGERT
  5. University of Washington
  1. Kirsten Feifel
  2. http://www.igert.org/profiles/4785
  3. Graduate Student
  4. Presenter’s IGERT
  5. University of Washington
  1. Donna Hauser
  2. http://www.igert.org/profiles/4786
  3. Graduate Student
  4. Presenter’s IGERT
  5. University of Washington
  1. Diana Pietri
  2. http://www.igert.org/profiles/4789
  3. Graduate Student
  4. Presenter’s IGERT
  5. University of Washington
  1. Elizabeth Tobin
  2. http://www.igert.org/profiles/4816
  3. Graduate Student
  4. Presenter’s IGERT
  5. University of Washington
Judges’ Queries and Presenter’s Replies
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Presentation Discussion
  • Leora Falk

    May 21, 2012 | 03:53 p.m.

    It was so interesting to see all the different ways to approach ocean change, particularly as someone who has some background in the effects of greenhouse gases. Have you found that your research findings inform each others’ work?

  • Icon for: Vega Shah

    Vega Shah

    Lead Presenter
    May 22, 2012 | 12:00 p.m.

    Thank you for the comment Leora. Yes, I believe our different research projects do inform each other. Although we don’t think this is strictly necessary because we are attempting to define ocean change as it is perceived in our respective fields.

  • Icon for: Craig Williamson

    Craig Williamson

    Faculty: Project Co-PI
    May 22, 2012 | 10:53 a.m.

    I really like the geographic and scientific diversity of these projects. It will be interesting to see how you all are able to integrate all of these topics into the larger picture. There could be some emerging interactions that others with narrower views may not have anticipated. Good luck with your projects!

  • Icon for: Vega Shah

    Vega Shah

    Lead Presenter
    May 22, 2012 | 12:00 p.m.

    Thank you!

  • Bill Sr

    May 25, 2012 | 02:35 a.m.

    I think the oceans of our world shape our existence…
    I applaud you and your team for the effort put into your project so far, its only the tip of the iceberg as you are well aware already, great luck in your future.
    I live in the arctic on the shores of the Chukchi sea,I’ve witnessed changes to the ocean here, it will challenge the oceans everywhere…

  • Icon for: Lee McDavid

    Lee McDavid

    Project Coordinator
    May 25, 2012 | 10:48 a.m.

    First hand observations like Bill’s are critical for documenting ocean change. In the words of Aqqaluk Lynge, chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council, “Climate change is not a theory to us.”

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